Wednesday 30 May 2012

Volume of a Sphere

Previously we have discussed about add radicals calculator and In today's session we are going to discuss about Volume of a sphere, It is a three dimensional surface in which every point on the given surface is equidistance from a point.

Now we will see the formula for finding the volume of sphere, the formula for finding the volume of a sphere is:

        Volume = 4 ⊼r3, Where r represents a radius of a sphere.


Some condition of sphere is also realized that the volume of a sphere is exactly two thirds of the volume of its circumscribed cylinder, which is known as smallest cylinder which can contain the sphere. If we want to find the radius of a sphere using the above formula:

           r = 3√3v, where v denotes the volume of a sphere.


And the value of ⊼ is 3.14;

If we want to find the volume of a sphere using diameter then we use the formula

        Volume = 4 ⊼ (d/2)3,


Sphere is an object in the three dimensional space. Its shape is just like as a round ball.  And the maximum distance through the sphere is known as diameter of the sphere. Diameter is twice the radius of the sphere.

Now we see how to find the volume of the sphere using diameter, with the help of example.

Example: - Find the Volume of a Sphere where its diameter is 30 inches.

Solution: we know that the volume of a sphere is

                Volume = 4 ⊼r3


Here we have to find the radius of a sphere with the help of diameter.

We know that the radius is half of the diameter.

        r = diameter


So putting the diameter value in formula

        r = 30


        r = 15;

And the value of ⊼ is 3.14

So putting all the values in the formula

Volume = 4 ⊼r3


             = 4 * 3.14 * (15)3


            = 4 * 3.14 * 3375


           = 42390


             = 14130 inch3

We get the volume of a sphere using the diameter is 14130 inch3.

Multiplication Worksheets is very important concept of mathematics, it is also available in cbse class 8 books.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

add radicals calculator

In our last post we talked about online math tutor, in this post we will focus on add radicals calculator. We have Add Radicals Calculator, which will help us to understand and learn about the operations on radicals. Radicals mean the numbers with the powers in the form of fractions. These fractions can be ½, 3/2, 2/5 etc. Let us consider the following addition of radicals.
Root ( 3 ) + root (3 ) = 2 root ( 3)
 We say that only similar radicals are added. It means that the radials with the same radicands are added.  So if we have the problem: 3* root (2) - 2* root ( 3 )  + 5 * root ( 3 )  - root ( 2) + 5
Here we will join together the radicands with root 2 one side and the radicands with root 3 on another side of the expression. Thus we get the following result:
= 2 * root ( 2) +  3 * root ( 3)  + 5
 Here we observe that the whole number 5 is not the part of any radical so it will neither be added to root ( 2) nor to root ( 3). So we get 5 as the separate number and it is not summed up to any of the radicals. On another hand the radicals which are similar, their coefficients are added up or their difference is calculated to get the result.
 Let us take another example:  root ( 18 ) + root ( 8 )
 = root ( 3 * 3 * 2 ) + root ( 2 * 2 * 2 )
   = 3 * root ( 2) + 2 * root ( 2)
 =  5 * root ( 2) Ans.

  We can always use Algebra Help, online to learn about the problems related to Algebra. Tamilnadu Board Statistics Sample Papers are also available to get time to time help on the curriculum.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

online math tutor

Online math tutor can help us to learn about the integers and its properties.  If we talk about the integers, we say that the integers are the series of the positive and negative numbers which also has a number zero as the middle number.  Now we also observe that the online math tutor can be used to learn about the properties of the integers. All the integers satisfy the following properties:
Closure property:   Closure property holds true for the addition, subtraction and multiplication, but does not holds true for the division. It means that if two integer numbers are added then the resultant number is also an integer. Similarly by closure property of subtraction, we mean that if  we have two numbers, then the difference between the two numbers is also an integer and the product of the two integers is also an integer but the quotient of two integers is not necessary an integer every time.
Commutative property of integers also holds true for addition and multiplication, it means that if we have any two integers a and b, then by commutative property of addition and multiplication, we mean:  a + b = b + a
Similarly we have a * b = b * a
Associative property of integers also holds true for the addition and multiplication  :  It means that if a, b, and c are any integers, then  by associative property of integers, we mean that if the order of addition or multiplication is changed the result remains same . Mathematically we mean:
( a + b )  + c = a + ( b + c )
( a * b )  * c = a * ( b * c )

 We can use online help to understand about Area of a Regular Polygon, which is the part of syllabus of school of secondary education Andhra Pradesh. In next post we will talk about add radicals calculator