Tuesday 10 July 2012

supplementary angles

Angles are formed when we have two rays going in the different directions such that they have the same vertex. The pair of angles is called a supplementary angles, if we have the sum of the two angles equal to 180 degrees.  Thus simply if we say that the given angle is x degrees, then the supplementary of the given angle will be 180 – x degrees. (want to Learn more about supplementary angles, click here),
So if we have any angle say 110 degrees, then the supplement of the given angle 110 will be 180 – 110 = 70 degrees.
 Thus we say that the  supplementary of 50 degrees will be 180 – 50 = 130 degrees.
 Now if we want to know the measure of the angle which is equal to its own supplementary, then we will proceed as follows :
 Let the angle measure be x, then its supplementary angle will be 180 – x degrees.
 Now if we say that  both the angles are of the same measure, then we write it mathematically as follows :
X = 180 – x
On adding x on both the sides we will get :
X + x = 180 – x + x
Thus the above given equation becomes :
2 * x = 180 degrees
Now we will divide both the sides of the equation by 2 and we get :
2 * x / 2 = 180 / 2
Or x = 90 degrees.
Thus we say that the angle 90 is such that it is equal to its own supplement angle.

In order to learn about How to Find Slope of a Line, we can take the help of online math tutorials.  icse guess papers 2013 are also available online, which can guide the students to understand the  concept and the patterns of the question papers in the fore coming  board examinations and In the next session we will discuss about  isosceles triangle.

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