Sunday 10 June 2012

Operations With Integers

Integers are endless series of numbers which start from minus infinite and goes up to plus infinite, such that every number in the series has its successor and each number has its predecessor. We will learn that how to perform   Operations with Integers. In order to perform the operations with integers, we say that all the mathematical and the logical operators can be performed on the integers. By logical operations, we mean that we can compare the two integers and arrange the series of integers in ascending or descending order. We know that all the positive integers are greater than 0 and all the negative integers are less than zero. So we come to the conclusion that  if we draw a number line , zero lies in the middle and the more we move towards right the positive number goes on increasing and the more we move towards left, the negative numbers goes on decreasing. So to compare the two numbers we say that the number on the right of the number line is always greater than the number on the left side.  Now we look at the mathematical operations on integers. We can add, subtract, multiply and divide the integers. We say that the integers satisfy the closure property for the addition, subtraction and multiplication operation. But the closure property does not hold true for the division operation. It means that when two integers are added the result is an integer, if two integers are subtracted or multiplied the result is an integer but division of two integers is not an integer every time.
  We can take the guidelines from Free Online Tutoring to understand the topics which we find difficult to solve otherwise. We also have CBSE Sample Papers online to learn about the  concepts of the question papers which have come in the past years for different subjects and In the next session we will discuss about How to use Geometric Mean Calculator.

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